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WildEast - Pledging of Land

17 February 2021

WildEast is a movement of people, for nature, forever. WildEast challenges the region to be the first to become the biggest, best connected and restored nature reserves in the world. With an ambitious goal to help nature recover from mass deforestation, decline in all species from wild flowers and insects, to mammals and birds, and crucially to address the current crisis of nature in England.
WildEast are working towards a Map of Dreams, a resource that will inspire others to join the movement and track the progress of their mission to return 20% or 250,000 hectares to nature. Joining this movement is simple and free, WildEast are asking for pledges which will build the pathway to restoring space for nature, pledges could include land, farmland, a donation to the cause, and/or time and skills. Importantly, pledging is not just for farmers, it is for industrial estates, supermarkets, housing estates, allotments, schools, and homeowners. For your pledge to be included to the Map of Dreams, WildEast ask for your location, a little background information on your pledge and the size of the pledged land.
Lowestoft Town Council is currently reviewing land we maintain and we are motivated to pledge land to this movement, so that together we can create a greener, wilder and a more sustainable region. We are asking the community for any comments on areas of green/wild spaces that you think could be pledged to this movement within the town, and we are hoping to encourage others to contribute to the cause with their own pledges of land, skills and/or time.
WildEast Movement

Read more on WildEast - Pledging of Land

Later Life Community Connect Service

12 February 2021

Thanks to the support of Suffolk Community Foundation, a new support service for older people in Suffolk launched on Monday 8th February 2021. Later Life Community Connect is a single point of access telephone support line with a person at the end of the phone. This service being available between 10 AM – 2 PM, seven days a week. Offering the following:

  • A person answering the phone to speak to any older person or anyone worried about issues around later life
  • A referral system using both the Warm Handover (SIP) and other local organisations to support any needs or worries that the caller may have
  • Regular and agreed follow-up calls from Later Life Community to the individual to check their wellbeing and do they have any other needs or advise
  • Regular welfare calls for older people with trained volunteers

Different from the Information & Advice Service Age UK Suffolk previously provided, this is based on a person centric model with open-ended questions and a listening ear. This service is about working collaboratively to ensure that the caller gets the support that is needed. Later Life Community strive to become the advocate for older people in Suffolk and offering support and advise. 

Later Life Community Poster 

Read more on Later Life Community Connect Service

The Ness Play Area Closure

10 February 2021

Unfortunately, owing to adverse weather conditions, the play area on The Ness Park has been affected and should not be used at this time. It is currently being assessed for safety. However, owing to the current problems with weather and COVID-19 affecting suppliers and services, it may be some time until the play area can be put back into use. We will advise further at the earliest opportunity.

The Ness in snow

Read more on The Ness Play Area Closure

Suffolk County Council - Flooding Information

9 February 2021

As a coastal town, Lowestoft faces the difficulties of flooding every year in many zones of the town. With weather forecasts predicting rain and snow over coming weeks, see latest Met Office UK Weather Warnings. 

Suffolk County Council has gathered useful information on how they maintain drainage systems to reduce the risk of standing water on public pathways and roads, how flooding is managed in Suffolk and the responsibilities individuals and organisations have upon dealing with floods, and how to prepare in the event of a flood within your property or local area. Details available on Suffolk County Council Website.

Find out how to report a flood problem, which service will need to be contacted, and what will happen after you have reported the problem. Matters including, whom to contact about a blocked drain or flooding on the A11, A12 and A14 roads in Suffolk. Further details available.

IMG 20190108 WA0019

Read more on Suffolk County Council - Flooding Information

UKPN Vulnerability Survey

9 February 2021

Groundwork Suffolk and Norfolk are conducting some research on behalf of UK Power Networks to help them guide their vulnerability strategy ongoing. The research is designed to find if (and how) Covid has made people more vulnerable, with a particular focus on unemployment. They are seeking a minimum of 100 respondents to complete the survey, which is now available for completion:
This survey is intended for people over 18 years of age and is responsible for energy bills. Respondents will receive a £5 Amazon gift card for completing the survey. The voucher will be provided within 3 working days of survey completion to respondents that provide a valid email address. Your email address will be used for the sole purpose of receiving the voucher.

Read more on UKPN Vulnerability Survey

Annual Assembly of the Town - Tuesday 2 March 2021

5 February 2021

Tuesday 2nd March 2021 @ 19:00 PM

Video Meeting via Zoom

Zoom link and written reports available one week before meeting on the Town Council website. 

Every year the Town Council will arrange a meeting at which local residents can discuss matters affecting them and the community. This is an opportunity to find out more about what is going on locally and ask questions in this friendly and inclusive forum.

The evening will commence with presentations from Member of Parliament for the Waveney Constituency, Peter Aldous, Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore, and there will be a presentation on the Gull Wing Bridge Project. The Mayor of Lowestoft will give an overview of the Town Council’s work during the last year and aspirations for the future.


Annual Assembly Banner

Read more on Annual Assembly of the Town - Tuesday 2 March 2021

Budget for the 2021/2022 financial year

4 February 2021

At the monthly Full Council meeting in the evening of Tuesday 26th January, the Council agreed the budget for the 2021/2022 financial year. Given the current challenges facing Lowestoft and after careful budget management, it was agreed to submit a precept of £1,765,245, Band D Council Tax equivalent £142.68 (equating to a 1.54% reduction on the Band D Council Tax equivalent for 2020 – 2021). This will not affect any services the Council is responsible for and will continue to maintain the facilities through your Council Tax.


The detailed budget is available to view on the Town Council website.

Read more on Budget for the 2021/2022 financial year

Councillor Sue Barnard

3 February 2021

It is with sadness that the Town Council has to announce that Councillor Susan Barnard passed away peacefully yesterday (Tuesday 2nd February 2021) at the James Paget Hospital.

Sue was a dedicated and energetic councillor representing the Gunton Ward since Lowestoft Town Council was formed in 2017.  She was re-elected in May 2019, with a large majority, testament to how well thought of she was in her local community. Sue served on many of the Town Council’s committees and had a particular interest in open spaces and the local historical environment. Her love and knowledge of gardening and plants was beneficial to the Council including the many voluntary hours she spent planting bulbs in Sparrows Nest and Arnold’s Bequest.

Outside of the Town Council, Sue was an active member of Gunton Residents’ Association, the Lowestoft branch of Suffolk Family History Society and helped to establish the Friends of Dip Farm Group.

Sue will be greatly missed by her fellow Councillors and the Officers of the Town Council.

Sue Barnard

Read more on Councillor Sue Barnard

NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Letter

2 February 2021

NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group has written a letter containing important information about the NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme. This is not an appointment letter but contains important information about the NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme. A copy of this letter can be found on the CCG’s website: www.norfolkandwaveneyccg.nhs.uk/covid-19-vaccination-programme/17-coronavirus/226-covid-vaccination-letter.

The letter covers:

  • How and when you will get an appointment for your vaccination
  • Where you will get your vaccination
  • Information about attending appointments
  • Information about emails and texts that claim to be from the NHS but are not
  • Information about the first and second vaccine doses


Read more on NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Letter

Covid-19 Local News - Suffolk Needs You

29 January 2021

Suffolk needs supermarket customers to follow basic safety guidelines to stop COVID-19 from spreading. Shoppers are being reassured that supermarkets are safe to visit, however shopping must be for essential items and trips kept to a minimum. If you are planning a trip to a supermarket or shop, it is important to follow these steps, even if you have received a vaccination:

  • Wash/sanitise your hands at the store entrance
  • Wear a facemask, unless medically exempt
  • Enter the shop alone, unless you are assisting or caring for another
  • Follow the signage and rules provided by the supermarket
  • Only touch products that you are intending to purchase
  • Keep your distance from other shoppers in the aisles and when in queues
  • Wash/sanitise your hands at the store exit

In the last week of reported data up to 27th January there have been 190 cases in Babergh, 604 cases in East Suffolk, 486 cases in Ipswich, 228 cases in Mid Suffolk and 476 cases in West Suffolk. All areas have decreased in cases since last week. Please continue to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.

Suffolk Resilience HFS poster

Read more on Covid-19 Local News - Suffolk Needs You