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Viewing entries posted in July 2023

Black History Month Competition returns for 2023

31 July 2023

Creative Writing & Visual Arts Competition 2023

BHM1Lowestoft Town Council are delighted to once again be marking Black History Month.  For 2023, we are building on our regular writing competition with the introduction of a visual arts competition.  The introduction of this competition gives another opportunity for young people in and around Lowestoft to enter and celebrate inspirational BAME people.


The theme for both competitions is “inspired and proud”.  This theme encourages participants to think about the people who inspire them and make them proud.

Age categories:

The two competitions will also share the same age brackets:

  • up to and including year 2;
  • Years 3 – 6;
  • Years 7 – 11;
  • Years 12 – 13.

Participants are welcome to enter both the writing and arts competitions.

BHM23 VP1Creative Writing Competition:

For our creative writing, our judges are welcoming entries across a range of writing formats – from poetry to dramatic monologues and short stories (anything that shows off your creative writing skills!).  Your entry could be inspired by a real person or include fictional characters.  Maybe you want to write a monologue for Martin Luther King before his iconic “I have a dream” speech, maybe you’d like to write a short story about your own made-up character, or maybe you’d like to write a poem about Lewis Hamilton – the choice is yours!

Our judges will be scoring your work based on creativity, originality and how well your piece is written.




BHM23 VP2Visual Arts Competition:

New for 2023 is our Visual Arts Competition.  For this, we are welcoming any art entry.  It could be a collage, sculpture, drawing, painting, graphic design – the more creative, the better!  Your entry could depict a real person or be inspired by a BAME artist.  Maybe you could do a collage that represents Rosa Parks, be inspired by the clay sculptures of Augusta Savage or the silhouette work of Kara Walker.

In this competition, our judges will be looking at your interpretation of the theme, how creatively you’ve used your chosen art medium, and the quality of the art/artistic skills on display.



Application Deadlines:

The deadline for submissions is Friday 20th October.  Submissions should be submitted to admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk.  These can be in the form of a picture of the work.  Submissions should include the child’s name, age category and school (if applicable).

Prize Giving:

Prizes will be given to the winner of each competition’s age category.  Our judging panel will also award an overall prize for each competition alongside a prize to the winning school.  The award ceremony is currently scheduled for Friday 3rd November at 5pm (Venue TBC).  More details on this will be announced in the new academic year.


If you have any questions, please get in contact with us via admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

Good luck to everyone and we look forward to seeing your amazing creative writing and artistic skills!


Terms and Conditions:

1. The competition is open to all children who either a) attend a school within the Lowestoft area or, b) live within the Lowestoft Town Council parish area.

2. The judging panel will be formed from a selection of Town Councillor and representatives of external bodies.

3. The judges' decision will be final.

4. The Town Council reserves the right not to consider any applications felt inappropriate or which do not meet the criteria set out above.

Read more on Black History Month Competition returns for 2023

Enjoy your PARKS this SUMMER

20 July 2023

With the Summer holidays upon us, Lowestoft Town Council will be highlighting the many things you can do in our parks for free over the summer - from enjoying our many play areas, to learning about the history of Lowestoft in the local museums.

Love Parks Week 2023Website LoveParks

Our Summer events start with #LoveParks Week, a national campaign organised by Keep Britain Tidy to celebrate the importance of our local spaces.  The campaign starts on Friday 28th July until Saturday 5th August.  Over the course of the week, we will be working with local organisations to put on some free events within our parks.  More details can be found on our Love Parks Events page.  The week will also include an online campaign, highlighting some of the features in our parks and how we can all look after and care for the them.

Play Areas20230307 130303

Lowestoft Town Council is very proud of its play areas within our parks as we continue to invest in them.  Recently, we have invested in the new "Alice in Wonderland" themed play area in Sparrows Nest, a "space-themed" play area in Rosedale Park and a "nature-themed" play area at Bentley Drive to name a few.  Each play area has its own unique theme and equipment to ensure that there is something for everyone to enjoy.

The play areas managed by Lowestoft Town Council are:

Britten Road | Bentley Drive | Clarke's Lane | Cotman Close | Gunton Community Park | Fen Park | Nightingale Road | Normanston Park |Pakefield Green | Rosedale Park | Sparrows Nest | St Margaret's Plain | Stoven Close | Thirlmere Walk | Whitton Green

Get interactive with historyNess App Image1

Lowestoft has a rich and diverse history and heritage which is celebrated throughout the town.

  • Get interactive with the history of The Ness with our FREE Ness app!
  • Visit the museums in Sparrows Nest - Lowestoft Maritime Museum, RNSPA Museum, War Memorial Museum(please check their websites for opening times and prices)
  • Discover the Lowestoft Porcelain Collection and more at Lowestoft Museum (in Oulton Broad).
  • Find out more about the diverse history of Lowestoft with the heritage plaque trail.

Keep activeSparrows Nest Bowls

Many of our parks have sports facilities that are provided for free and work on a "turn-up-and-play" basis.

  • Kensington Gardens - Tennis Courts, Bowls (bowls equipment is available from the Groundskeeper)Kensington Gardens Bowls club also run free bowls sessions on Wednesday evenings (from 6:30pm) and Sundays (10:00am)
  • Normanston Park - Tennis Courts, Outdoor Table Tennis
  • Denes Oval - Tennis Courts, Putting (equipment available from outside the pavilion).

Help us look after YOUR OPEN SPACES

You can do your part by:

  • Taking any litter home with you or putting it in the bins provided
  • Collecting and bagging all dog mess and placing it in any of the bins provided
  • Not fly-tipping
  • Joining our team of volunteer litter pickers


Read more on Enjoy your PARKS this SUMMER

Public survey on the future of the 'Drying Racks' at The Ness

12 July 2023

20230322 134851Lowestoft Town Council are asking the public on their opinion on the future of the 'Drying Racks' at The Ness.  The existing Drying Racks (which are replicas believed to have been erected in the 1950s of the originals) are suffering from serious rot and decay with repairs expected to be expensive due to the cost of timber and the large amount of wood needing replacing (over 50% according to a recent structural survey). Alternative suggestions for the Drying Racks include natural decay for wildlife and removal.

Members of the public are invited to fill out this short survey to establish public opinion on the future of the Drying Racks which will help inform any decisions made by Lowestoft Town Council.  The survey can either be completed by following this link or by completing the form below.

The deadline for submissions to the survey is Friday 4th August.  Submissions will then be collated and presented at the Parks and Open Spaces Sub-Committee meeting on 15th August.

Read more on Public survey on the future of the 'Drying Racks' at The Ness

New Management Committee formed for Gunton Estate Community Hall

12 July 2023

Gunton Hall SignIn April 2023, Gunton Estate Community Hall’s new Management Committee was formed at an inaugural meeting, facilitated by Lowestoft Town Council as landlords.

The Hall is central to many of the community events that take place in the local area and Lowestoft Town Council felt that the hall should be run by the community - for the community.  The Town Council was delighted with the interest shown by local residents and existing hall users in forming the new Management Committee.

The Management Committee and Lowestoft Town Council would like to thank the previous management committee of the hall for their hard work and dedication over the years in running the hall.

Speaking on the formation of the Management Committee, Louise Addy, Chair of the Gunton Estate Community Hall Management Committee said “Since our first meeting the management committee has worked tirelessly towards creating an environment that welcomes all hall users in the local community and increasing our awareness and within the surrounding areas.  We are in the process of having the hall redecorated and starting a community garden. We are having a Grand Reopening on Sunday 23rd July 10am – 2pm and welcome everyone to come along and see what is happening, the changes we have made, find out about all the activities in the hall, make suggestions and meet the committee.”


Read more on New Management Committee formed for Gunton Estate Community Hall