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Viewing entries posted in October 2023

Public Consultation on Public Works Loan Proposals

31 October 2023

Lowestoft Town Council are launching a public consultation on proposals to take out a Public Works Loan (PWL) of £4million to part-fund the Town Hall regeneration project.  The consultation will run from Friday 3rd November – Sunday 19th November with the survey and supporting information available to complete and read online or by attending drop-in events.

Members of the public are encouraged to complete a short survey on the proposals which include details of the Town Hall’s proposed designs and the supporting funding plans. 

As part of the consultation period, two drop-in sessions have been organised with members of the Town Hall Project Team and Design Team available to answer any questions.  The first session is on Friday 3rd November, 2pm-5pm at The Kirkley Centre, with a second session organised for Thursday 9th November, 3pm-6:30pm at 3 St Peter’s Street (on the Triangle Market).  Following the drop-in sessions, a window display will remain at the Triangle Market site until the conclusion of the consultation.

This loan will add to the already secured funding from National Lottery Heritage Fund, Towns Fund and East Suffolk Council for delivery of the project.  The cost of paying back the loan will not in itself trigger a rise in the council tax amount paid to the Town Council by the electorate within the parish of Lowestoft.

More details on the Town Hall Project can also be found on our website.

Public Consultation Public Works Loan Proposals

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Lowestoft Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation

31 October 2023

Neighbourhood Plan LogoA six-week public consultation on the Lowestoft Neighbourhood Development Plan is being launched today (Monday 30th October 2023).

Following the previous consultation period that took place in early 2023, new policies have been added to the Neighbourhood Development Plan, alongside some further amendments to the existing policies.  Amongst the three new policies are two covering South Lowestoft, particularly the London Road South area and the South Lowestoft Conservation Area.  For this round of consultation, the Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group are particularly interested in hearing from residents and businesses within the Kirkley area on these new policies.

These new policies were influenced by comments made by local people and stakeholders, with over 200 individual comments and suggestions reviewed after the consultation had ended.  The changes reflect the continued importance that local residents, businesses and stakeholders have had on the development of this Plan.

Neighbourhood Development Plans are a powerful tool which is backed and informed by local debate and support.  The plan aims to shape the future development and growth of Lowestoft by making a direct contribution to the planning decision-making process whilst also striving to protect our unique heritage and green spaces.

This public consultation, known as the Regulation 14 Consultation, is part of the process of developing the plan before it comes forward for a public referendum.  Residents are encouraged to read the plan and submit any comments on the proposed policies into the Town Council by the 11th December 2023.  The comment submission form is available to download from the Town Council website, with hard copies available on request by contacting the Town Council offices by calling 0330 053 6019 or by writing to the Town Council at Lowestoft Neighbourhood Development Plan (LNDP), c/o Lowestoft Town Council, Hamilton House, Battery Green Road, Lowestoft, NR32 1DE.

Draft Lowestoft Neighbourhood Development Plan

Supporting Documents:

Read more on Lowestoft Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation

New Bulky Waste Collection scheme aims to reduce fly-tipping

24 October 2023

Lowestoft Town Council are pleased to be launching a new bulky waste trial scheme, working in partnership with Ace Clearance.

Starting on 1st November, the scheme is designed to help households within the Parish of Lowestoft, improve our environment and reduce fly-tipping by offering a free-to-access collection service on bulky waste items.

The service will run Monday to Friday every week with phone lines open 8:30am-4:30pm and an answerphone service in place for out-of-hours messages.

To organise collection, Lowestoft residents should contact our appointed contractor Ace Clearance by phone (01502 802123) or email (info.aceclearance@gmail.com).

Ace Clearance may recycle some of the items collected, without collecting profit, with suitable items donated to local charity shops.

Please note that this service is only available to residents living in the parish of Lowestoft. A map of Lowestoft Town Council parish area and wards can be found on our website.

Bulky Waste Free Collection and Disposal Service 2

Read more on New Bulky Waste Collection scheme aims to reduce fly-tipping