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Viewing entries posted in February 2021

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

26 February 2021

Due to the passing of Councillor Susan Barnard, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Town Council, within the ward of Gunton. A by-election to fill the vacancy will be held if ten electors for the ward give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Returning Officer not later than Thursday 18th March 2021.

Where ten valid requests for a by-election are received then under the provisions of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and The Local Government and Police and Crime Commissioner (Coronavirus) (Postponement of Elections and Referendums) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 the by-election will not currently take place, and the vacancy will be held open until the by-election takes place. The 2020 regulations provide for the by-election to take place on the date for the Ordinary Election of Councillors due to be held on Thursday 6 May 2021. However, this date may be brought forward or deferred by the Government depending upon the circumstances. Any Election that is in due course called will be duly publicised as required by law.

The Addresses of the Returning Officer is:

First Floor 2 Canning Road Lowestoft NR33 0EQ

Notice of Vacancy for Gunton (18.03.2021)

Read more on Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

North Lowestoft Conservation Area Appraisal

25 February 2021

East Suffolk Council has to review its conservation areas, which includes boundary revisions where deemed necessary. A revised North Lowestoft Conservation Area Appraisal Draft document has been produced and the Council would like to ask you for your comments on this document, which includes proposed changes to the Conservation Area boundary. The fieldwork was undertaken in 2018/2019 from public thoroughfares and open spaces and this work was supplemented with information from published material and map regression studies.

The documents are available on East Suffolk Council website.

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Read more on North Lowestoft Conservation Area Appraisal

Annual Assembly of the Town 2021

23 February 2021

The Zoom link and the Annual Assembly of the Town Agenda is now available to view. Additionally, the minutes of the 2020 Annual Assembly of the Town are available to view. 

The Annual Assembly of the Town was hosted through a video meeting via Zoom on Tuesday 2 March 2021 @ 19:00 PM, with 30 members of the public attending. The recording of the meeting is still available to view on the Town Council’s YouTube channel.

Annual Assembly Banner

Community Organised Forum 

A wide range of organisations provided written reports ahead of the meeting, representatives attending and answering questions from the public. See below the collection of written reports: 

East Suffolk Council Leader's Report 2021

Friends of Kensington Gardens Report 2021

Gainsborough Drive Pond Group Report 2021

Jack Rose Old Lowestoft Society Report 2021

Lowestoft and Plaisir Twinning Association Report 2021

Lowestoft in Bloom Report 2021

Lowestoft Maritime Museum Report 2021

Lowestoft Museum Report 2021 

Lowestoft Police Report 2021

Lowestoft Rising Report 2021

Marina Theatre Report 2021

The Lowestoft Players Report 2021

SCC Leader Report 2021

Post-meeting Notes and Q&A's

In the meeting, Tim Passmore noted how the precept and Operation Uplift is impacting on policing in the county. The Commissioner noted the monitoring of the plans for this additional investment and all relevant information is on the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner website

At the meeting there were many inciteful and important questions asked by attendees to representatives and Council officers, see an overview of these questions and answers from the Assembly - 2021 Annual Assembly Questions and Answers

Read more on Annual Assembly of the Town 2021


19 February 2021

Unfortunately, owing to the adverse weather conditions from last week, all play equipment and park furniture at The Ness should not be used until further notice. It is currently being assessed for safety and the Town Council will advise further at the earliest opportunity. However, owing to COVID-19 affecting suppliers and services, it may be some time until the play area can be put back into use.


Census 2021

18 February 2021

UPDATE | September 2023:  The full results for Census 2021 are now available to view online.  The results were released in different phases from June 2022 to September 2023.

Census 2021 is taking place on 21 March 2021 - by filling in your census, you will help shape your community for the next 10 years. Census 2021 will give information to improve the overall understanding of the pandemic. It will also help to make sure that the services you use meet the needs of our changing society, this could include hospitals, schools, universities and job centres.

Census 2021 is a digital-first census, which means that you will be encouraged to respond online if possible using any device to complete the census. If you need help, there will be an online help area on the Census website, as well as offering help by phone, webchat, email, social media or text message. Importantly, law protects your census information. 

Census 2021 Education 1

In East Suffolk there are two dedicated ‘Census Support Centres’ (CSC) – one at the Marina Centre in Lowestoft which will be operated by staff from East Suffolk Customer Service, and one at the Station House in Campsea Ashe operated by the social enterprise. These centres will not be open to the public, due to Government restrictions, however telephone assistance will be available to help complete the Census form and/or answer any general enquiries. To contact the Marina Centre CSC: 01502 523523 and for Station House, Campsea Ashe CSC: 07856810828.

To find out more and/or to download helpful resources, these are available on the Census website, or see below the following helpful documents for your knowledge: 

Community Handbook 

Data Security Handout 

Your Questions Answered Leaflet 

Census 2021 1

Read more on Census 2021

WildEast - Pledging of Land

17 February 2021

WildEast is a movement of people, for nature, forever. WildEast challenges the region to be the first to become the biggest, best connected and restored nature reserves in the world. With an ambitious goal to help nature recover from mass deforestation, decline in all species from wild flowers and insects, to mammals and birds, and crucially to address the current crisis of nature in England.
WildEast are working towards a Map of Dreams, a resource that will inspire others to join the movement and track the progress of their mission to return 20% or 250,000 hectares to nature. Joining this movement is simple and free, WildEast are asking for pledges which will build the pathway to restoring space for nature, pledges could include land, farmland, a donation to the cause, and/or time and skills. Importantly, pledging is not just for farmers, it is for industrial estates, supermarkets, housing estates, allotments, schools, and homeowners. For your pledge to be included to the Map of Dreams, WildEast ask for your location, a little background information on your pledge and the size of the pledged land.
Lowestoft Town Council is currently reviewing land we maintain and we are motivated to pledge land to this movement, so that together we can create a greener, wilder and a more sustainable region. We are asking the community for any comments on areas of green/wild spaces that you think could be pledged to this movement within the town, and we are hoping to encourage others to contribute to the cause with their own pledges of land, skills and/or time.
WildEast Movement

Read more on WildEast - Pledging of Land

Later Life Community Connect Service

12 February 2021

Thanks to the support of Suffolk Community Foundation, a new support service for older people in Suffolk launched on Monday 8th February 2021. Later Life Community Connect is a single point of access telephone support line with a person at the end of the phone. This service being available between 10 AM – 2 PM, seven days a week. Offering the following:

  • A person answering the phone to speak to any older person or anyone worried about issues around later life
  • A referral system using both the Warm Handover (SIP) and other local organisations to support any needs or worries that the caller may have
  • Regular and agreed follow-up calls from Later Life Community to the individual to check their wellbeing and do they have any other needs or advise
  • Regular welfare calls for older people with trained volunteers

Different from the Information & Advice Service Age UK Suffolk previously provided, this is based on a person centric model with open-ended questions and a listening ear. This service is about working collaboratively to ensure that the caller gets the support that is needed. Later Life Community strive to become the advocate for older people in Suffolk and offering support and advise. 

Later Life Community Poster 

Read more on Later Life Community Connect Service

The Ness Play Area Closure

10 February 2021

Unfortunately, owing to adverse weather conditions, the play area on The Ness Park has been affected and should not be used at this time. It is currently being assessed for safety. However, owing to the current problems with weather and COVID-19 affecting suppliers and services, it may be some time until the play area can be put back into use. We will advise further at the earliest opportunity.

The Ness in snow

Read more on The Ness Play Area Closure

Suffolk County Council - Flooding Information

9 February 2021

As a coastal town, Lowestoft faces the difficulties of flooding every year in many zones of the town. With weather forecasts predicting rain and snow over coming weeks, see latest Met Office UK Weather Warnings. 

Suffolk County Council has gathered useful information on how they maintain drainage systems to reduce the risk of standing water on public pathways and roads, how flooding is managed in Suffolk and the responsibilities individuals and organisations have upon dealing with floods, and how to prepare in the event of a flood within your property or local area. Details available on Suffolk County Council Website.

Find out how to report a flood problem, which service will need to be contacted, and what will happen after you have reported the problem. Matters including, whom to contact about a blocked drain or flooding on the A11, A12 and A14 roads in Suffolk. Further details available.

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Read more on Suffolk County Council - Flooding Information

UKPN Vulnerability Survey

9 February 2021

Groundwork Suffolk and Norfolk are conducting some research on behalf of UK Power Networks to help them guide their vulnerability strategy ongoing. The research is designed to find if (and how) Covid has made people more vulnerable, with a particular focus on unemployment. They are seeking a minimum of 100 respondents to complete the survey, which is now available for completion:
This survey is intended for people over 18 years of age and is responsible for energy bills. Respondents will receive a £5 Amazon gift card for completing the survey. The voucher will be provided within 3 working days of survey completion to respondents that provide a valid email address. Your email address will be used for the sole purpose of receiving the voucher.

Read more on UKPN Vulnerability Survey