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Viewing entries posted in November 2019

Road Closure - Windsor Road 19th November

15 November 2019

Suffolk Highways are closing Windsor Road for part of Tuesday to do urgent work, full details are below:

For your information, we are planning to carry out urgent gully cleansing works on Windsor Road, Lowestoft, which is scheduled for Tuesday 19th November 2019, during the hours of approximately 8am and 12pm. Traffic cones may also be placed to prevent on-street parking so our work site is unobstructed.

During the period of the works traffic will be controlled by staff on site. Access to properties and businesses will be available but controlled by staff on site. Please speak to one of our staff who will provide access as soon as it is safe to do so.

There may be times that essential emergency works are required to take place on the highway network without advanced notice – you can follow Suffolk Highways on Twitter for the latest emergency roadwork updates - Twitter.

Read more on Road Closure - Windsor Road 19th November

General Election 12th December

12 November 2019

A general election has been called for the 12th December 2019, the statement of people nominated and the official notice is below:

Read more on General Election 12th December

Remembrance Day and Armistice Day 2019

11 November 2019

Photos from Remembrance Day and Armistice Day 2019. With thanks to all those that took part and took the time to remember.


Remembrance Day:

IMG 3275

IMG 3251

IMG 3243

IMG 3262

IMG 3271

IMG 3275

IMG 3305

IMG 3285


Signing of the Armed Forces Covenant:

IMG 3341

IMG 3344

IMG 3345


Armistice Day:

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Read more on Remembrance Day and Armistice Day 2019