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Remembrance Service

17 November 2021

The Town Council wishes to thank all those who contributed to or attending this year’s Remembrance Service and Parade. After the postponement of the 2020 event, a significant parade formed up at Claremont Pier and was greeted by large numbers in attendance at the war memorial on Royal Plain. A gun was fired by members of F (Sphinx) Para Battery of the Royal Horse Artillery and the first, of many wreaths to be laid was by the Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, Clare Countess of Euston. The Town Council is honoured to organise this service with the Royal British Legion on behalf of the Town and appreciates the efforts by so many to make the service a chance to commemorate and reflect.

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Remembrance Day 2021

12 November 2021

Yesterday’s Armistice Day service at Royal Plain and laying of wreaths and crosses at Lowestoft Cemetery marked the start of Remembrance 2021.  The Annual Remembrance Service and Parade will take place on Sunday at the war memorial at Royal Plain. All welcome. Please download the service sheet here.

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Pictured:  standard bearers and Frankie Ayers of East Coast Sinfonietta who sounded the Last Post to mark the start of the two minutes’ silence.  Children from Roman Hill Primary School with Councillors Peter Lang, Wendy Brooks and Andy Pearce at the War Memorial in Lowestoft Cemetery (photo credit Bob Collis).

Read more on Remembrance Day 2021

Climate Emergency and CoP26

5 November 2021

The CoP26 summit in Glasgow has brought hope that the world will unite to address climate change. The impacts of climate change are already being felt with stark warnings of what will follow if we do not act. The world no longer has a choice.

The Town Council first declared a Climate Emergency in June 2019. Making change is not easy but it is essential. We owe a duty to the existing population and the future of their children. We will continue boldly to face the challenge of rethinking open spaces in urban settings and updating old buildings and energy supplies.


Some of the actions we have already taken on our land and buildings include:

  • Defining our ambitious actions and appointing specialists to assist us with assessing and addressing our carbon footprint 
  • Introducing more bulbs and plants into our open spaces and parks
  • Managing the new park, The Ness, as an important habitat with more coastal planting to come
  • Making our administration near-paperless and with reduced mileage
  • Committing to re-wild some areas (partnering with Wild East)
  • Committing to considerable tree planting (partnering with the Woodland Trust)
  • Supporting Friends Groups and volunteers to enhance our special open spaces and parks
  • Doing what we can to manage contamination and pollution on our land
  • Increasing litter management to help prevent pollution


This is just the beginning and a sample of our current actions.


However, it is not all about what your local council can do. Everyone needs to play their part in making a difference to protecting and enhancing our environment. We will provide more information on how to access support and develop your own ideas for actions you can take individually.  As a first step, why not calculate your own climate footprint using this tool



Provide your ideas to us admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

Read more on Climate Emergency and CoP26

Remembrance Sunday 2021

29 October 2021


REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, 14TH NOVEMBER 2021, PARADE (10:15am from Claremont Pier) AND SERVICE (10:45am at the War Memorial, Royal Plain)

If you would like to join the parade or lay a wreath at this service, please download and complete the booking form via the following link: Booking Form.  Please return to the Town Council as soon as possible.

After last year’s postponement due to the Covid-19 Pandemic we are very much looking forward to the return of the event. Whilst there are currently no legal restrictions, could all those attending please play a part in making the event as safe as possible for all attending; please wear a mask, don’t attend if you are feeling unwell, and keep as much space as you can around you.

Some car parking in the town will be free of charge from 08:00 to 13:00. Further details will be shared or will be available at www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk

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Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade 2021

1 October 2021

The Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade will return to Lowestoft this November (Sunday 14th at the War Memorial, Royal Plain – subject to relevant permissions and any Covid-19 restrictions). If you would like to lay a wreath on behalf of the organisation you represent, please complete this form: Booking Form - Service of Remembrance 2021. Further details of the event will follow.

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Read more on Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade 2021

Jubilee Bridge Update

1 October 2021

The Jubilee Bridge over The Ravine has been closed to the public owing to needed and significant repairs. East Suffolk Council is managing the inspection and repairs and is liaising with Lowestoft Town Council. From time to time it is unavoidable that The Ravine itself must be closed for health and safety, inspection and interim repairs. The full repair programme is being carefully planned with the specialist support required for this important part of Lowestoft’s heritage.

Read more on Jubilee Bridge Update

Declaration of Result - Kirkley Ward

17 September 2021

Lowestoft Town Council had one vacancy for a Town Councillor for Kirkley ward, which has now been filled after the elections held on Thursday 16th September 2021 by Christian Newsome.

Read more on Declaration of Result - Kirkley Ward

Suffolk Local History Council Local Recorders

10 September 2021

Would you like to be the Local Recorder for the Suffolk Local History Council?

The Suffolk Local History Council runs a Local Recorders Scheme throughout Suffolk.  We administer a network of volunteers to ensure that the ‘present’ is adequately recorded at local level for the ‘future’.

A Local Recorder will note significant happenings in their parish and collect their local parish magazines, leaflets, election pamphlets and newspaper cuttings.  At the end of each year, they are asked to submit a short report summarising the activities of their parish.  The reports are deposited at the Suffolk Record Office and available to future researchers together with the collected items.

If you are interested, please look at the Recorders Pack by visiting www.slhc.org.uk, click on Recorders, then click on Recorders Pack in the text on the left hand side to acquaint yourself with the guidelines of the scheme.  You do not need to be a historian; you do not need any qualifications other than an interest in your parish.  In return you will receive a copy of the SLHC Newsletter and be invited to the annual conference specifically for Local Recorders.  To volunteer to help in this important work, please contact recorders@slhc.org.uk

Read more on Suffolk Local History Council Local Recorders