The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) requires public authorities to publish information as a matter of routine in addition to that supplied when responding to information requests.
Lowestoft Town Council has adopted the Information Commissioner’s approved Model Publication Scheme, which sets out the statutory requirements and specifies seven information classes in which the majority of routinely published information will fall.
Obtaining Information on the Publication Scheme
The table at the end of the Publication Scheme sets what information will be routinely published and how it accessible. As this is a newly formed Council the website is in the process of being developed and information is continually being uploaded. If you cannot locate the information listed as being available on the website, please contact the Clerk at the address below.
Most information will be freely available for downloading on the Council website but, where this is impracticable (or when an individual does not wish to access it via the website), the guide specifies how the information can otherwise be obtained.
In exceptional circumstances information may be available only by viewing in person. Where this manner is specified, contact details will be provided. An appointment to view the information will be arranged within a reasonable timescale.
Making a request for information
Information which cannot be accessed via the publication scheme can also be requested providing it is held in an easily retrievable format. If an exemption under the Act applies, the information will not be made available.
Requests must be made in writing, either by e-mail to or by post to Town Clerk, Lowestoft Town Council, Hamilton House, Battery Green Road, Lowestoft, NR32 1DE
They should include:-
After a request has been made
The receipt of a request will be acknowledged within three days and will indicate by when it is aimed to provide a response. This will normally be within 20 working days which may be extended, for example where the applicant is asked for further clarification or information about the request.
If we do not hold the information requested, the applicant will be informed of this in writing. If it is established that the information could be obtained from another Authority, we will advise the applicant of this.
Any obligations under equality legislation will be adhered to when providing information.
Right to appeal
Where a request for information under the individual right of access is denied, the applicant has the right to appeal the decision. Appeals should in the first instance be made to Lowestoft Town Council, where they will be subject to scrutiny by the Finance and Governance Committee who will have been independent of the original process.
The Information Commissioner’s Office recommend that a response should be made in 20 working days.
If the applicant is still unhappy with the decision they have the right to appeal against the decision of non-disclosure to the Information Commissioner.