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New Town Councillor for Gunton Ward

11 May 2021

Lowestoft Town Council had one vacancy for a Town Councillor for Gunton ward, which has now been filled after the elections held on Thursday 6 May 2021. We look forward to welcoming Wendy Brooks to the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 18 May 2021.

Read more on New Town Councillor for Gunton Ward

76th Anniversary of VE Day

8 May 2021

Today, Saturday 8 May 2021, is the 76th anniversary of VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day. While lockdown restrictions will limit celebrations, many across the country will be commemorating the day and reflecting on the sacrifice made by millions to accomplish victory in the Second World War.


Read more on 76th Anniversary of VE Day

Message Cascaders Home Testing for Covid-19 Infographic

5 May 2021

Message Cascaders latest infographic on home testing for Covid-19. To book a test or to order a home test kit http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/coronavirus-covid-19/getting-a-test/ 

Test kits can also be collected from pharmacies or test centres. 

20210505 Message Cascaders Home Testing for Covid 19

Read more on Message Cascaders Home Testing for Covid-19 Infographic

Suffolk Growth Partnership - Free Webinars

5 May 2021

Suffolk Growth Partnership is working with Park City Consulting and Suffolk local authority environmental health officers to deliver four free webinars to support local businesses within the retail, hospitality & leisure sector prepare for safe reopening. The four webinars will focus on how you can be ready to re-open, protect your employees and customers, and prevent the spread of Covid-19 in your establishments. This helpful guide for re-opening businesses will include:

o Environmental health expectations
o Covid-19 secure workplace Risk Assessment
o Social distancing, signage, staff bubbles, and cleaning regimes
o Testing staff (What kits are available? How often to test?)
o How you can support your employees through HR guidance
o Guidance on how and when to report positive cases
o And an opportunity to ask any questions you have to our health & safety and HR experts and more.
Visit Suffolk Growth to find out more and book your space. Please note spaces are limited, so be sure to book quickly.
Webinars are taking place:
o 19 May 2021: 6pm – 7:30pm
o 24 May 2021: 2pm – 3:30pm
o 10 June 2021: 6pm – 7:30pm

o 22 June 2021: 2pm – 3:30pm

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Read more on Suffolk Growth Partnership - Free Webinars

Extraordinary Full Council - 5 May 2021

27 April 2021

The meeting agenda can be found here. Updates of this meeting will be shared on our website or contact office for confirmation. 


Read more on Extraordinary Full Council - 5 May 2021

Happy Earth Day - 22 April 2021

22 April 2021

The Town Council remains committed to serving its community and providing facilities such as our parks and open spaces, planting new trees in these spaces and casting a light on the existing trees, and engaging the community to help us protect nature in a challenging climate.

The theme of this year’s Earth Day is “Restore our Earth”, reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage already done. The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) has constructed a questionnaire to help you estimate your carbon footprint, offering advice, and a goal scheme for you to achieve, and reducing your carbon footprint. https://footprint.wwf.org.uk/#/

Earth Day

Read more on Happy Earth Day - 22 April 2021

Lowestoft Town Hall Project Public Consultation – Survey Findings

21 April 2021

Earlier this year, a Town Hall Survey was conducted with the aim to gather the views of local people (and beyond) on the Town Hall’s future use, and to gauge their interest and participation in heritage. The consultation was part of a project commissioned by Lowestoft Town Council, working in partnership with East Suffolk Council and Historic England, and funded by a grant from the Architectural Heritage Fund. The output from the survey will be used by MossKing to develop the business plan for the Town Hall. The recent survey received 999 responses, both online and on paper, 955 online and 44 on paper. 88% of respondents completed the entire survey. In addition to responding to fixed questions, a further 1,069 free format comments were given.

The completion of the survey demonstrates the level of interest and engagement in the project. From the data gathered, there are some clear messages about the future uses of the Town Hall that residents in particular would like to see. However, there are also important differences across the population, from young to old, those who are disabled or not, those living in relatively low income, and so on that will need to be incorporated as the Town Hall and its facilities are developed, so that maximum benefit can be delivered across the community.

The Lowestoft Town Hall Project survey findings are available to view now.

Town Hall

Read more on Lowestoft Town Hall Project Public Consultation – Survey Findings

Pakefield Church Wartime Raid Remembered

21 April 2021

The Mayors of two coastal communities have exchanged messages of empathy and commemoration to mark the 80th anniversary of wartime bombing raids, which destroyed historic churches in Plymouth and Lowestoft. The exchange of messages between Cllr Chris Mavin, Lord Mayor of Plymouth and Cllr Alan Green, Mayor of Lowestoft was encouraged by local aviation expert, Bob Collis.

The Mayor of Lowestoft, noted, “May our mutual losses never be experienced again and the people of both Lowestoft and Plymouth continue to enjoy the freedom our service men and women fought so hard to achieve for us.”

To mark this historical event, Bob Collis will be presenting his talk 'The Night the Church went up' (Pakefield) The Story of the night of 21st April 1941, on the 80th Anniversary today, 21 April 2021, at 7:30pm. This talk will be available to view on Lowestoft Archaeological and Local History Society Facebook Page.

20210421 Pakefield Bombing
20210421 Pakefield Bombing 01
Image Credit: Bob Collis

Read more on Pakefield Church Wartime Raid Remembered

Suffolk Service of Commemoration for Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh at St Edmundsbury Cathedral

16 April 2021

Today, Friday 16 April, Mayor of Lowestoft, Cllr Alan Green, will be attending the Suffolk Service of Commemoration for Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. The service, taking place at 3.30pm, will be livestreamed at  https://www.facebook.com/stedscathedral/

The funeral takes place on Saturday 17 April and a national, one-minute silence will be observed at 3pm. Information about the ceremonial details of His Royal Highness’s forthcoming funeral. https://www.royal.uk/funeral-duke-edinburgh


Read more on Suffolk Service of Commemoration for Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh at St Edmundsbury Cathedral