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Work to start on new play equipment at St Margaret's Plain

29 July 2022

Work on installing new play equipment at St Margaret's Plain is scheduled to start on Monday 1st August. The new equipment will give a nod to the site's history of being a Goose Market whilst the equipment is also environmentally friendly in its construction.

We are looking forward to when this site is completed. Please keep an eye on our social media and website for further updates for when the site is ready for use.

A 3D mock-up of how the play area will look

An artists impressions of how the play area will look once the work has been completed

Read more on Work to start on new play equipment at St Margaret's Plain

#LoveParks Week comes to Lowestoft

29 July 2022

Today is the start of #LoveParks week, a national initiative set up by 'Keep Britain Tidy'. Next week we will be looking at some of our parks, celebrating their history and showing you how we are caring for them. You can follow these updates on our Social Media or read them at the end of the week on our website.

Lowestoft Town Council are responsible for a number of parks in Lowestoft with each one having its own unique history and character.  As a Council, we take great pride in our parks and open spaces as we endeavour to make them freely accessible to everyone.  We can all do our little bit to look after our parks by:

-          Caring for the wildlife and nature around us

-          Clearing up our litter

-          Respecting the equipment

By doing our part, we can all benefit from the parks and open spaces around us.

Why not join in with the week by downloading this bingo sheet to see what you can find in our parks?

Bingo Sheet for Love Parks Week

Read more on #LoveParks Week comes to Lowestoft

Plaisirois visit Lowestoft after three-year delay

27 July 2022

After three long years, friends from Plaisir and Lowestoft were able to meet up again recently. The Plaisirois arrived after their 12 hour long journey to be met by their hosts for the next five days.

Their first day was spent with their families which ended with a show at the Seagull Theatre which had been arranged especially for them. They were entertained by different acts including FABBA and “My Choir Rocks”, which included some of the children that had visited Plaisir on our last Twinning trip.

A visit to Kensington Gardens during its 100 year anniversary was followed by a very interesting visit to the site of the construction of the Gull Wing Bridge; they had a presentation and afterwards were shown the site.  Visits were also made to Sutton Hoo where a guide explained that the Saxon word Hoo is believed to mean a spur of land and to Carlton Marshes.  Our friends in Beccles Twinning welcomed the Plaisirois to their town and guided them on a tour of the Town and the Church Tower after which refreshments were enjoyed.

The final evening was spent dining together at the Masonic Hall.  We were pleased to have the Mayor of Lowestoft and his wife dining with us and receiving gifts sent from the Mayor of Plaisir; gifts were also exchanged between the Chairs of the Lowestoft Twinning and Plaisir Twinning Associations.

The following morning, at an early hour, the Plaisirois were waved off by their hosts, following the usual group photograph taken with the coach.

A coach will be leaving Lowestoft during the first week of the school Easter holidays in 2023. If anyone would like to travel with our group or join in local activities, please do email lowestoftplaisirtwin@hotmail.co.uk or telephone Richard on 01502 723648.

People dancing in a circle

The first night included evening entertainment from FABBA and other acts

The group visit Kensington Gardens

Kensington Gardens was also visited to celebrate its centenary year

Members of the visiting party look out over the construction site of Gull Wing

A visit and presentation about the construction of the Gull Wing Bridge was enjoyed by all

The Mayor of Lowestoft gives a speech and hands out gifts

The final evening included a speech by Cllr Alan Green, Mayor of Lowestoft (centre right) and the receiving of gifts

The touring party stand in front of a blue coach

The visit ended with the traditional photo in front of the coach before departure

Read more on Plaisirois visit Lowestoft after three-year delay

Family Hub Event with 'Streets Alive' performance

20 July 2022

All are welcome to join us at our free 'Family Hub' this Friday 22nd July from 10am-12noon at the Triangle Market.
From 10am we'll have stalls from Happy Smiles Club, Catch22, Inspire Suffolk, Kirkley People's Forum and Groundwork East which will cover everything from dental health to Kittiwakes and highlight some of the fun holiday activities you could enjoy.
Then from 11am, Eastern Angles Theatre Company will be bringing their "Streets Alive" show to the Triangle. The show tells some Suffolk stories through the use of puppetry, stilt walking and music and has been touring Suffolk towns over the last month.
After the performance, why not also join the Get Suffolk Reading trail through the Town? They'll be offering free storytelling sessions at various locations in Lowestoft.
Family Hub

Read more on Family Hub Event with 'Streets Alive' performance

Stakeholder Consultation - Local Green Spaces

11 July 2022

Lowestoft Town Council is in the process of bringing forward the Lowestoft Neighbourhood Development Plan.

A Stakeholder Consultation version of the Local Green Spaces document can be found here.

As explained on page 6 of the document, under para 101 of the National Planning Policy Framework a Neighbourhood Development Plan can safeguard areas of local green space.  Other policies within the Plan will also offer protection to recreation and park land.

The document sets out the proposed designation of areas of open space within Lowestoft. The Town Council welcomes your opinion. Please respond to our Stakeholder Consultation by 5.00 pm on Friday 5 August 2022 by submitting comments to planning@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

We look forward to hearing from you.

Read more on Stakeholder Consultation - Local Green Spaces

Free summer sports sessions in Lowestoft

11 July 2022

There are some great, free sports activities taking place in Lowestoft over the summer holidays! ☀️
No need to book - just turn up and play!
Sessions take place from 26th July - 19th August, 1pm-3pm for ages 9-16
Tuesdays - Lowestoft South Beach, Beach Hut 137
Wednesdays - Normanston Park
Thursdays - Gunton Community Park, Montgomery Road
Fridays - Britten Road Playing Field
Lowestoft Summer 2022

Read more on Free summer sports sessions in Lowestoft

Add your VOICE to the Climate Emergency & Ecological Committee

7 July 2022

The Climate Emergency and Ecological Committee are planning some exciting things over the next few months and beyond and would love to have members of the public involved!  One public representative has already been appointed but the Committee would love to add another public voice from interested parties.

The Committee, which meets on the first Tuesday of every month, are welcoming expressions of interest from members of the public to join the Committee and be a voice for Lowestoft as the Town Council looks at how we can work towards being carbon-neutral and raise awareness of climate change.

As part of the Committee, you’ll be helping to plan the Town Council’s upcoming “Great Big Green Weekend” – a festival taking place in Sparrows Nest at the end of September promoting eco-initiatives, discussion and practices – discuss ways of promoting and supporting environmentally-friendly initiatives in Lowestoft, and exploring actions that the Town Council can take in line with our Climate Declaration.

If you would like to be a part of this important Committee, expressions of interest including reasons why the role interests you should be submitted to us at admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk.  The full Terms of Reference are available to view here.

Expressions of interest are welcomed by Friday 26th August ready for discussion at the Committee’s meeting on Tuesday 6th September.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Climate Committee Ad 1

Read more on Add your VOICE to the Climate Emergency & Ecological Committee

Kensington Gardens Bowls Club fixtures in July

6 July 2022

Kensington Gardens Bowls Club are inviting you to their home games throughout July. There are even opportunities to enjoy taking part in some informal games, free of charge!

Come along and enjoy an afternoon or evening in Kensington Gardens to watch the bowls and enjoy the excellent Cafe.


Benacre League - Mondays starting 6.45pm

4th July      v's Sole Bay

11th July   v's Beccles Caxton

25th July    v's Blundeston


Lowestoft & District League - Tuesdays starting 6.45pm

5th July   v's Lowestoft Railway


B. E. Men's Triple League - Wednesdays starting 6.30pm

6th July     v's Lowestoft Railway

13th July   v's Waveney

20th July    v's Bungay


Sunshine League - Thursdays starting 2pm

7th July     v's Wrentham Green

21st July    v's Brampton

28th July    v's Thurlton


Come along & enjoy an afternoon or evening in Kensington Gardens, watching the bowls.

Kensington Garden Bowls Club invites all bowlers of any age, to come along on Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm or Sunday mornings at 10am for our informal games, free of charge.

For any further information contact Peter Browne, e-mail peter.browne7@outlook.com, answer phone 01493 303158

Read more on Kensington Gardens Bowls Club fixtures in July

Charity walk across the UK ends at Ness Point

4 July 2022

Congratulations to Zara and the team behind "3 Million Steps" on completing their mammoth walking challenge from St David's, Wales to Ness Point!
Cllr Alan Green, Mayor of Lowestoft, was delighted to greet Zara and everyone involved at the finish line last Saturday.
Lowestoft Town Council were proud to sponsor Zara as she raised money to support brain injury survivors and their families.
More information on 3 Million Steps and their important work can be found at https://3millionsteps.org/
3 million steps 23 million steps 33 million steps 1

Read more on Charity walk across the UK ends at Ness Point

Whitton Green Project gets its final piece

4 July 2022

The final piece of the Whitton Green Project was opened today with demonstrations on how to use the new Gym Equipment.

Lowestoft Town Council are delighted that what started as a public consultation back in 2019 on how the site could be used now sees the launch of the completed concept with the retained caged sports arena, the children’s play park and the outdoor fitness equipment.

Many thanks to the team from Kompan who came and demonstrated all the equipment and how to use the app. The app is free to download and gives you a quick demonstration on each piece of equipment, some recommended workouts, and saves your progress (so you can keep coming back and improving!)

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Read more on Whitton Green Project gets its final piece