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There But Not There Silhouettes in Belle Vue Park

6 November 2018

Lowestoft Town Council was awarded There but not There silhouettes from the Armed Forces Covenant and two of them have today been placed on the benches at the poppy garden in Belle Vue Park. We hope that the people of the town will feel that the silhouettes are a poignant memorial as we approach Remembrance Sunday and will be respected by all those that go to view them.

One parishioner commented that this is the "Best thing that has happened in the town for a long time. Everyone should have a look and pay their respect. Well done to everyone involved in this"

Please see below the link to the Lowestoft Journal's article about the silhouettes:


Read more on There But Not There Silhouettes in Belle Vue Park

Old Lowestoft Hospital Letter

24 October 2018

On Wednesday 24th October Representatives for Lowestoft Town Council delivered the below letter to the James Paget Hospital regarding the sale of the Old Hospital Site in Lowestoft



Read more on Old Lowestoft Hospital Letter

Lowestoft Records Office Response

24 October 2018

Lowestoft Town Council's response to the Lowestoft Records Office Consultation can be found below


Read more on Lowestoft Records Office Response

WW1 Maritime Commemoration Event

11 October 2018

The Town Council was delighted that so many people turned out on 7 October to support the WW1 Centenary Maritime Commemoration at Belle Vue Park, attended by active troops and veterans. Our own Mayor Cllr Ian Graham, Lady Clare Countess of Euston Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, and Vice Admiral Sir Jonathan Woodcock, were among those who gave moving tributes and recognised the devastating impact of the War on the town and its people. The Royal Hospital School band and young people of the Combined Cadet Forces helped provide a focus for remembering the past as well as helping us to think about hope and future generations.

If you could not attend, a large number of photos from the event are available here. If you are able to, take a stroll down to Belle Vue Park and see the beautiful poppy Memorial Garden that the Town Council designed and had made to help us remember those who lost their lives and fought for our freedom. An area for peaceful reflection, currently enhanced by about 3000 knitted poppies, provided by the Poppies by the Sea Group. The poppies will remain in place until after Remembrance Day on 11 November, when they will be available to buy from the local branch of the Royal British Legion with proceeds supporting their work.

Remembrance Day has an extra significance this year, as it is also Armistice Day and 100 years since the end of World War 1. Help us to mark this occasion, starting at 6.00 am at England’s most easterly point, Ness Point, when a bagpiper will pipe out Battles O’er. A Remembrance Service will take place at 10.45 am at Royal Plain and finally, from 6.30 to 7.30 pm at Sparrows Nest, a beacon will be lit, church bells will ring out and a band will play.

Read more on WW1 Maritime Commemoration Event

Macmillan Coffee Morning - A big thank you!

28 September 2018

Lowestoft Town Council's Macmillan Coffee Morning today was a huge success and we raised a fantastic £301.91! A massive thank you to everyone who supported the event, it was wonderful to welcome so many of you to our new offices and a great time was had by all, whilst raising funds for such an important cause. Below is an image of the tasty treats that were on offer!


Read more on Macmillan Coffee Morning - A big thank you!

Public meeting regarding homelessness and vulnerability in Lowestoft at winter

28 September 2018

A public meeting is being held to discuss Lowestoft's 2018/19 Winter Crisis Service, further details below:


Read more on Public meeting regarding homelessness and vulnerability in Lowestoft at winter

Latest Progress Report from Pathways Care Farm

28 September 2018

Please see below the latest progress update from Pathways Care Farm on the wonderful work they have been completing for the community:

 Visit the Pathways website

Pathways Progress – 19 September 2018

Like Pathways Progress 19 September 2018 on Facebook

Let me tell you a story

Life can be highly stressful and there are never enough hours in a day to achieve everything on my 'to do' list...
Sound familiar? Have you ever slowed down sufficiently to ask yourself why am I working like this? Am I making time to do some of the things I really enjoy, to live rather than just making a living?
One of the greatest things about being on the care farm is that we go at a pace that is rather slower than the old 'corporate world' I used to cherish. I recently saw the notice above and it made me think about what we do on a typical farm day... we have created an environment and a community where 'moments' happen. Many moments each day... magic moments. We are involved with each others' lives and we all therefore share in this creative and very satisfying process.
Just today, one of the people we see each week controlled his temper! That may not sound like much of a moment but believe me it was. This person likes getting his own way and likes his routine. He can get quite loud and uncooperative if things don't go according to plan. Today, through nobody’s fault, plans had to be changed at the last mingute and he couldn't do a job he enjoys and wanted to do. The situation was explained to him and he simply moved on to the next job... No big deal to most people but a massive stride forward for him (and us). Those kind of moments are more precious than jewels.


Hidden treasure

Talking about Jewels (see top story)... the latest path in the sensory garden is littered with them. They say that the paths in heaven are paved with gold, well, this is our little bit of heaven on earth. Come and see it sometime – you will be richer for the experience.


New arrivals

We were recently blessed to be given some lovely new animals to look after and enjoy... I'm very pleased to introduce you to Basil (white) and Dexter the pigmy goats, who have created quite a stir. Not only are they lovely to be with and very good to walk on the lead but they are also escape artists and spent the first three days looking for (and finding) any gap big enough to squeeze through.
When they did get out of their own pen they didn't roam far... they just wanted to get closer to the other goats who were nearby.
We have also now started our 'small animal' menagerie. Just over a week ago we got Jumper (white) and Thumper. These are Lion Headed rabits and they have settled in so well. They love the attention they receive and are highly inquisitive as we realised when working around them to build a rather large and special run. They were constantly close by and checking out the workmanship. The run is big enough for them (and others yet to arrive) to tear around and also allow a few of us to be in with them and share their fun first hand.


Beware or bee wear?

The artichokes are just starting to open and their flowers are stunning. As I was looking at them last week this lovely bee arrived and busied himself just asking to be photographed. 
We have become more aware of bees since we colonised the first of our hives (well done David) and we love seeing them around the farm.
Of course, when a hive needs attention or something needs to be done nearby its always good to be dressed appropriately (see our two models below wearing this year's latest bee wear).


Animals, minerals and now vegetables 

I've mentioned our newest animals and the jewelled path, now to give a plug to the vegetables.
A few weeks ago we erected a small stall outside the farm gate. We put out fresh veg each day and we have a small 'honesty' box there for donations. The stall has proved to be a huge hit with some of the neighbours but we have also had people come to us from various other parts of town and even from Great Yarmouth! Such is the quality of the produce.
I was stopped one morning as I was opening up and asked 'Where is the beetroot?'. 'Is there none on show?' I asked. 'No' he said, 'Can you get me some? My wife has sent me over as we have run out and the last few were so good!'
We also supplied a batch to a local Care Home to sell at their fete (see below). 
Given the state of the soils a couple of years ago this is no mean achievement and Steve deserves all the praise he gets for his diligence and the way he has inspired others to work with him. We’re looking to some of our farm workers to become as skilful in time and even take up a career out of horticulture.


The proof of the watermelon is in the eating

Growing fruit and veg and having others enjoy it is wonderful but, of course, there is no better taste than to bite into something that you have helped grow (and have the juice run down your chin).
The three above didn't even stop to offer me some as they tucked into one of the first watermelons to be harvested in the polytunnel. Wow, it was good... not sure how many of these will end up on the stall – they may disappear before they get that far.
Talking of enjoying the taste... we were very pleased to host a gathering from Lowestoft Community Church who thoroughly enjoyed a hog roast (no, not one of ours) and a few tours around the farm. It was quite something to see so many people tucking in on a beautiful, sunny, September afternoon. We are blessed to have such a great facility and to be able to share it with so many friends.


...and finally 

The next workparty will be on Saturday 29 September at 10am – the last Saturday of the month this time... don't ask! (just in case Steve hasn't left for Wales by then!)
A few weeks ago we started to renovate one of the courtyard roofs. We had a wonderful group of people from Altro in Lowestoft come to help which gave us extra hands on the roof, in the sensory garden and building an extra pen for the piglets. Thank you all, your help and support means so much. 
As ever there are lots of jobs to do this month but there are also lots of things to just see and enjoy. 
Please come we would love to see you.


Read more on Latest Progress Report from Pathways Care Farm

Heritage Open Day events a big success across the town

26 September 2018

The Heritage Open Day events which took place across the town earlier this month were hugely successful and gave a large number of visitors and local people a wonderful opportunity to explore Lowestoft's heritage. Over 70 free events were offered; which is a significant increase on previous years. Lowestoft Town Council is proud to have participated, and saw 500 visitors flock to the historic, Grade 2 listed Town Hall to explore informative displays about local heritage and significant female politicians. As you can see, our Councillors really entered into the spirit of the occasion with their fantastic costumes! Lowestoft Town Council would like to congratulate all those involved with making the Heritage Open Day events the big success they were, and hopes that this initiative will continue to strengthen year on year.

Town Hall5Town Hall3

Read more on Heritage Open Day events a big success across the town

Emergency repair work to a damaged sewer on Station Square to begin next week

26 September 2018

Anglian Water will be undertaking emergency repair work to a damaged sewer on Station Square, Lowestoft.

The work will begin on 1 October and will last approximately 5 weeks. A southbound lane closure will be in place on Station Square which will see traffic approaching from Denmark Road diverted via Katwijk Way/A12. Access for the emergency services will be maintained throughout the duration of the repair.

Further repair work will also need to be carried out on Commercial Road up to the A47 Junction which will last for 10 weeks, and will begin once the Station Square works have been completed. The road will be closed but a full diversion will be in place.

More information regarding these works can be found here: https://media.anglianwater.co.uk/anglian-water-begins-work-to-repair-a-damaged-sewer-in-lowestoft/

Read more on Emergency repair work to a damaged sewer on Station Square to begin next week