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Kitchener's Fundraiser

4 March 2020

Kitcheners Lowestoft are appealing for donations towards providing an accessible toilet for veterans with any excess donations going towards a complete refurbishment of the ground floor toilets at the Centre. The layout of those toilets has existed since 1919 and was planned for men only at a time when the accommodation was probably not much better than barracks. As time has gone by the other toilet facilities have been improved over the years, first close to the bedrooms and later with all bedrooms having en suite facilities and as a result the ground floor has been left behind as not essential.

Late last year the Kitchener stepped in to take over provision of breakfast to the local branch of the Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club when they lost their venue. The Club keeps veterans in touch with each other and their still serving colleagues. Twice a month breakfast is served to some 35+ local veterans when they gather at the Centre to reminisce and keep up with friends. It is also an opportunity to try and ensure they do not need any further help with regard to their physical or mental health.

More information can be found on the Kitchener's website

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Work is progressing on the Ness

2 March 2020

Work is progressing on the completion of the new Ness Park.  Shown here is the pile driver play equipment which was installed this week along with the walk ways and bridge construction.

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200302 Construction

Also, the plans for the site have been updated, you can find the most resent plans on the Ness page.

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Statement of Persons Nominated Elmtree

2 March 2020

The statement of Persons Nominated for the Elmtree By-Election on the 26th of March is published below:

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Annual Meeting of the Town 2020

18 February 2020

The Lowestoft Annual Town Meeting will take place at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 3 March at the Town Council Office’s in Hamilton House, Battery Green Road, Lowestoft. This is a meeting of the electorate of the Town and not a Town Council meeting. All are welcome to attend. Organisations who wish to make a report at the meeting MUST contact the administration team (admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk or telephone 0330 053 6019) at the Town Council to book a place on the agenda. If you have not booked you will be welcome to provide a written report which will be appended to the minutes only, published on our website but not read at the meeting. The evening will commence with speakers from Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Lowestoft Climate Action Group giving presentations of their work and the Mayor of Lowestoft will give an overview of the Town Council’s work during the last year and aspirations for the future as well as a report from the Arnold’s Bequest Charity Board.

Please note that due to circumstances outside our control the lift to our offices on the first floor will be out of action for this meeting. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Work officially begins at the UK’s most easterly park

28 January 2020

Work has officially started at ‘The Ness’, the most easterly park in the UK.

The site of the park, next to Birds Eye on Whapload Road in Lowestoft, will be regenerated with £1m secured from the Coastal Community Fund in 2017.

The Ness, which is being delivered by Lowestoft Town Council, East Suffolk Council and Concertus Design and Property Consultants working in partnership, will celebrate Lowestoft’s maritime heritage and feature a picnic and play area, a bespoke bridge to the sea wall as well as interactive and educational information. The site, which will be sensitively landscaped to protect the area’s unique flora and fauna, also includes the seafront walkway and the most easterly point in the UK, Ness Point.

An official ‘sod-turning’ event was held on Wednesday 22 January to mark the beginning of the works, which are being carried out by Blakedown Landscapes and are expected to be complete by early summer.

Cllr Craig Rivett, East Suffolk’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration said: “I am delighted to see work underway at The Ness; the park will provide an exciting new space for residents and visitors to enjoy and create a focus for the most easterly point in the country.”

Alice Taylor, Mayor of Lowestoft said: “Lowestoft is moving forward with several great new projects starting up and this new Ness Park is the first of many that will brighten up the town and improve the quality of life for all of her citizens. This park is a permanent improvement for a patch of disused land and will enhance the health and wellbeing of everyone, young and old, while celebrating our rich heritage."

Annett Thompson, Senior Project Manager at Concertus Design and Property Consultants said: "Concertus Design and Property Consultants are very pleased to be involved in this project, it is a unique site with a fascinating history that should be recognised as a British landmark and a place to visit."

The contractor, Blakedown Landscapes, is a multi award-winning landscaping company with 50 years of experience. Their projects include Hunstanton Park in North Norfolk, Camden Active Spaces and the historic restoration of Brockwell Park Gardens in London.

The Ness sits within the boundary of the North Lowestoft Heritage Action Zone, which will bring further funding to the area to uplift North Lowestoft through heritage led regeneration.

Whilst construction is underway, the area is not accessible to the public for safety reasons. Access to the seawall is available via Ness Point and Tingdene.

Photo Credit: Kate Ellis, East Suffolk Council

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2020

27 January 2020

At 10.00 am this morning, on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz people gathered at Lowestoft Train Station to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. Before the annual service took place, drama students from Ormiston Denes School gave a moving performance of Suitcase 1938 in which they conveyed the separation, loss of family and isolation the children arriving on the Kindertransport Train at Lowestoft Station in 1938 experienced. The Mayor of Lowestoft, Councillor Alice Taylor, gave an address to a large audience and wreaths were laid by both the Mayor and Desaray Parish, the Chairperson of the Waveney Youth Council. A minute’s silence was led by Ben Parish from Lowestoft Community Church who concluded the service with a prayer from the Holocaust Memorial Trust.


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Councillor Vacancy

22 January 2020

There is a Councillor vacancy within the Elmtree ward of the Council following a resignation. The notice for the vacancy is displayed below.

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