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RNPSA awarded 'Freedom of the Town'

7 October 2024

462226573 851947560452771 8315154640417770203 n 1Following the 49th annual service of remembrance for the Royal Naval Patrol Service, Lowestoft Town Council were honoured to bestow the 'Freedom of the Town' - the highest award it can honour - to the Royal Naval Patrol Service Association (RNPSA).

Speaking during the handing over of the award which took place at Sparrows Nest Gardens, the Mayor of Lowestoft, Cllr Nasima Begum said: "It is fitting that we are awarding the Freedom of the Town today in the shadow of the former RNPS Headquarters and its current museum and National Office. The title of Honorary Freedom of the Town celebrates the RNPSA's service to its members and its continued dedication to the town of Lowestoft."

462139551 851950367119157 894654632473544898 nThe 'Freedom of the Town' is the highest honour that the Town Council can bestow on a person or organisation and is reserved for persons or organisations of distinction who are linked to Lowestoft and have rendered eminent services to the Town.

462272373 851952530452274 2334786308429222704 nNominations for the award of 'Freedom of the Town' are made by the public and considered by the Town Council. When awarded the 'Freedom of the Town', the title holder, or a representative from the organisation, is formally invited to attend all civic events organised by the Town Council.

Read more on RNPSA awarded 'Freedom of the Town'

New Public Conveniences open as part of continued Triangle Market project

2 October 2024

20241002 133657Following extensive refurbishment, the public conveniences at the Historic Triangle Market were opened on 2nd October 2024 by Cllr Nasima Begum, Mayor of Lowestoft and Lowestoft Town Councillors.

This forms part of the ongoing project to regenerate the Triangle Market area following the recent removal of the Sails, addition of grassed areas around the trees and the installation of four new wooden kiosks to compliment the existing and refurbished kiosks.20241002 134830

The refurbished public conveniences include two unisex toilets, a disabled access toilet and the installation of a "living eco-roof".

Speaking at the official opening, Cllr Nasima Begum, Mayor of Lowestoft said: "It is my honour to mark the completion of this phase of the Triangle Market project.  Lowestoft Town Council is committed to supporting the High Street and this area's ambition to be a thriving community for traders.  Bringing these much-needed facilities back into public use completes the next stage in these plans.

"I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the works on the new kiosks and the refurbished public conveniences."

20241002 135744With these recent improvements, the Town Council is looking to promote the area and encourage new traders to hire the kiosks.  The kiosks are available for pop-up, short-term and long-term use throughout the year with interested traders encouraged to contact the Town Council for further details.

The public conveniences will be open from 8am-4pm over the winter period, with extended hours of 8am-8pm over the summer months.20241002 135112


Read more on New Public Conveniences open as part of continued Triangle Market project

Town Hall Project Update

1 October 2024

The Town Hall project has reached an important milestone – we have completed our stage 4 design drawings, and we are seeking contractors to undertake the main work.TH 5

Designs are firmed up in terms of what the Town Hall might look like. There are several features that will make the building feel very different to how it did decades ago, when residents turned up to pay their rates! 

TH 1Firstly, we are knocking down the wall that faces you as you go in the main doors.  For years, this has made the building feel like somewhere local people were not really welcome.  Our architects, HAT Projects, have incorporated the void between the old Town Hall from 1859 and the Compass Street extensions of 1899, to create ‘The Yard’: a thoroughfare that leads to the café, heritage gallery and events space, and generally says ‘Come on in!’ Along the Yard we will have exhibition cases built into the walls, displaying the civic artefacts and other items from the town. 

There will be lots of spaces for the public to use, including smaller meeting rooms and the big events space. A messy room will double up as somewhere to run creative workshops alongside a suitable place for youth groups to use, where noone will be too precious about the floor/walls etc!

TH 2

Meanwhile, all the historic features of the building will be restored, including the stained-glass windows, the Council Chamber itself, the clock faces and all the colourful encaustic tiled floors. 

At a practical level, the Town Hall will, of course, have several accessible toilets, but in addition, we are delighted that it will include a Changing Places room, which provides facilities for people with more complex needs.  This will allow those who cannot use toilet facilities independently to still be able to visit and enjoy the building.TH 3

As noted at the outset, we are in the midst of the tender for the main construction contract. This is where we go out with our detailed designs and pricing documents, and invite contractors to bid for the work.  We are pleased to have received several compliant bids for the work, but unfortunately, all exceed our budget. 

Our design team has been reviewing designs to find ways to deliver the project more economically, and we have put a package together that has gone back out to the bidders for pricing.  However, we know that although we will reduce costs, we will not bring them back in line with budget – there are too many complexities that cannot be eliminated, and a market that is seeing very high inflation across the board.

TH 4We have approached our funders, including the Heritage Fund and East Suffolk Council, to discuss the issue and are in the process of applying for uplifts from them.  If necessary, Lowestoft Town Council will increase its Public Works Loan Board loan to £5m.  This can still be repaid annually without in itself triggering a rise in Council Tax. This is something we promised during last year’s consultations, and we will keep that promise.

If all goes to plan, and the additional funds are secured, we would hope to appoint a contractor at the end of this year, and to complete the work by late Spring/Summer 2026. 

Meanwhile, the heritage activity plan continues apace.  Look out for lots of events, workshops, talks and activities that you can participate in as part of this exciting project. 

It’s a long time in the making, but we know it will be worth the wait!

Read more on Town Hall Project Update

Black History Month Begins

1 October 2024

Today marks the start of Black History Month in the UK - a month of shining a light on the stories and history of Black individuals both in the UK and globally.

To mark Black History Month, Lowestoft Town Council is running its Creative Writing and Visual Arts Competition aligning with the national theme of "Reclaiming Narratives". The theme aims to honour our heroes, embrace our stories and empower and educate.

Throughout October, we'll be sharing some inspiring messages and quotes from local Black History Month ambassadors as inspiration for the competition.

Entries to the competition can be in many forms. Last year's competition saw over 700 entries with the winners using a variety of writing and art styles to celebrate their inspiring figure.

Competition Closing Date: Friday 25th October

Submit Here: admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

BHM Facebook Cover

Read more on Black History Month Begins

Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day to be marked in Lowestoft

11 September 2024

Lowestoft Town Council are once again organising the annual commemorations for Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day in Lowestoft.

The annual service to commemorate Remembrance Sunday will take place on Sunday 10th November at the War Memorial on Royal Plain.  This ceremony will begin shortly before 11am, following the parade from Claremont Pier. As with previous years, representatives from organisations and businesses will be welcome to lay wreaths at the War Memorial. If you would like to take part in the wreath laying and/or parade, please complete the booking form and return to admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

Armistice Day is on Monday 11th November and will be marked at the War Memorial on Royal Plain, Lowestoft Cemetery, and Belle Vue Park.  These short ceremonies will begin shortly before 11am.

All are welcome to attend these services as we gather as a community to pay tribute to the brave service personnel who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

Remembrance Sunday 1


Read more on Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day to be marked in Lowestoft

Have your say: Bus Usage in Lowestoft

30 August 2024

Transport Survey Lowestoft Town Council is seeking your views on the bus network in the town and surrounding area. In 2019 the Council declared a climate emergency and is committed to reducing its environmental footprint, including supporting alternatives to car use such as walking, cycling and public transport.

We are working with our partners to campaign for better bus services in and around Lowestoft and need to understand why residents use and more importantly, do not use the bus.

The questionnaire can be completed online or by filling in a survey flyer available from Lowestoft Library or Lowestoft Central Project Station Shop & Tourist Information Office (Lowestoft Railway Station).

Please complete this short questionnaire to help us work with Suffolk County Council and other transport partners to promote the need for greater investment in, and integration of public transport services.

The deadline for the survey is Tuesday 17th September.

Read more on Have your say: Bus Usage in Lowestoft

Heritage Open Days coming to Lowestoft

29 August 2024

Heritage Open Days, the national festival to celebrate local heritage, starts on Saturday 7th September and we have helped organise and support three events to mark this occasion.

Heritage Open Days events 2024Heritage Skills & Artisan Market | Saturday 7 September, 10am-4pm | Triangle Market

Featuring a variety of stalls and even some vintage vehicles on display, all are welcome to this celebration of heritage skills and local artisan businesses.

*There is still limited availability for stallholders so, if any local businesses are interested, please get in contact with us at admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk*

Lowestoft High Street Blitz Walk with Bob Collis | Saturday 7 September, 10am | Starting at Belle Vue Park

A fascinating guided tour through some little-known aspects of Lowestoft's chequered wartime history with one of East Anglia's foremost air-war experts, Bob Collis. An opportunity to see how enemy action affected North Lowestoft in two World Wars.

Pre-booking is preferred. This can be done by emailing us at admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

Lowestoft Town Hall Talks with Sheila King | Saturday 7 September, 2pm & 3:15pm | Lowestoft Heritage Centre, Old School House, 80A High Street, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 1XN

The Lowestoft Town Hall Project Manager, Sheila King, will provide an update on the Town Hall development, including insight into the design work to date and how we're planning to breathe new life into this important historic High Street building.


Full details on all the HODs events taking place in Lowestoft can be found on the HODs website.

Read more on Heritage Open Days coming to Lowestoft

Vote for your Tour of Britain Best-Dressed Window!

27 August 2024

Best Dress Window Competition 1Whilst the riders of the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men cycling race will be battling it out on roads between Lowestoft and Felixstowe on Sunday 8th September to be crowned champion, local businesses will be marking the occasion in a competition to see who has the best-dressed window display.

Organised by Lowestoft Town Council with funding provided by East Suffolk Council and the East Suffolk Council Communities Team, 15 local businesses will be vying for the public’s votes to have the best-dressed window with a Tour of Britain theme.  The public have until Thursday 5th September to vote for their top three windows before the winners are announced on Friday 6th September ahead of race day.

The local businesses taking part are: Cash Inn Ltd, British Red Cross, Fan Fabric, Golden Memories Daycare, Heritage Centre & East Suffolk One Radio, Kirkley Florist, Lowestoft Arts Centre, Lowestoft Studio Ceramics, Moral of the Story Bookstore & Guitar Doctor UK, PJ Gilman, Parkers Formal Wear, RE General Morris, Tiqi – This is Quite Interesting, Uncle Sid’s Zero Waste Store and Woodworks Art Café. 

The public can vote via the online poll: https://forms.office.com/e/xi1xxjH22t.

Read more on Vote for your Tour of Britain Best-Dressed Window!

Rock 'N' Roll Lowestoft

22 August 2024

Are you ready to rock 'n' roll? 

We're celebrating all things 50s, 60s, and 70s Rock 'n' Roll music with this FREE event in Sparrows Nest Gardens this Saturday 24th August.

With a variety of food vendors, stalls and live music from 12noon, you're sure to be "rockin' around the clock".

Please make sure you are prepared for all weather possibilities. Any changes to the day will be shared via social media.

Rock n Roll Lowestoft 2

Read more on Rock 'N' Roll Lowestoft

Marina Theatre Project | Extension and Alterations

12 August 2024

Town Hall Project Contract Opportunities 4The Marina Theatre is to be upgraded to improve to audience facilities as part of the creation of a cultural quarter for Lowestoft.

The works will consist of the creation of a new theatre entrance within a new link building between the existing Victorian Theatre and the more modern Zenith Building. The new link incorporates a lift to give access to all floors of the Theatre, new toilets and a new box office. The new link will replace an existing single storey structure which will be demolished as part of this contract. The contract also includes some refurbishment works to the Theatre and the Zenith Building.

To receive full tender pack please contact Lowestoft Town Council at admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

Closing Deadline: 16 September 2024, 12pm.

Read more on Marina Theatre Project | Extension and Alterations