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Facilities open until 8pm at Denes Oval

22 May 2023

As we enter into the Summer Season, the public facilities at Denes Oval will be open from 8am-8pm.

The sports facilities include public Tennis Courts and the popular Putting Green.  Putters and golf balls are available to use for free from outside the Cricket Pavilion.  Please can these be returned after use.

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Read more on Facilities open until 8pm at Denes Oval

New Mayor elected at Lowestoft Town Council's AGM

18 May 2023

At the Annual Meeting held on Tuesday 16th May 2023, Councillor Sonia Barker was unanimously elected as the Mayor of Lowestoft Town Council for the Municipal Year 2023/2024. Councillor Nasima Begum was appointed as Deputy Mayor.

On being elected as Mayor, Cllr Barker thanked the outgoing Mayor Cllr Alan Green for his “service to the community”.  Cllr Barker added that it was an “honour” to be elected as Mayor as she looked to “serve the people of Lowestoft with enthusiasm and passion” for her home town.

The elected chairs for the following committees are: Assets, Inclusion and Development Committee, Councillor Elise Youngman; Climate and Ecological Emergency Committee, Councillor Paul Page; Finance and Governance Committee, Councillor Andy Pearce; and Personnel Committee, Councillor Alan Green.  The Chair for the Planning Committee will be confirmed at a later date.

The Full Council will next meet on Tuesday 23rd May at 6:30pm at Hamilton House where the Town Council will consider the co-option applications to fill the Council’s six remaining vacancies following the recent local elections.

Photo of Cllr barker receiving a handshake off the previous Mayor Cllr Green

The new Mayor, Cllr Barker, receives the Mayoral Chain from the outgoing Mayor Cllr Alan Green.

Read more on New Mayor elected at Lowestoft Town Council's AGM

Crowds gather for Coronation Concert Celebration

9 May 2023

Hundreds of people gathered on Sunday 7th May in Sparrows Nest for the Coronation Concert.

The concert, organised by Lowestoft Town Council in collaboration with the Royal British Legion, included live performances from Super Swing Big Band, Ben Carruthers, Sam and the SwingTones and the Waveney Concert Band.

Lowestoft Town Council would like to thank everyone who came along to the celebration, especially to our live performers, food vendors and stall holders.

Below are a few of our favourite photos from the day.  If you have any photos you'd like to share with us, please share them with us at admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk

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Read more on Crowds gather for Coronation Concert Celebration

New Management Committee Formed for Gunton Estate Community Hall

28 April 2023

At their first meeting last night, the new management committee for Gunton Estate Community Hall was formed.

The new committee are already making good progress with exciting plans for the future.  You can find out more about what is going on in the hall on their new Facebook page.

All hall enquiries can now email guntoncommunityhall@gmail.com

Read more on New Management Committee Formed for Gunton Estate Community Hall

Gunton Estate Residents' Hall Management Committee

19 April 2023


6.30 pm on Thursday 27 April 2023 at Gunton Estate Residents' Hall

If you live within one mile radius of Gunton Estate Residents' Hall and are interested in the future management of this valued community facility, please join our management committee.

At the first meeting, we will be looking to appoint a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer as well as committee members to be involved in the use and management of the hall.

If you require further information ahead of the meeting, please email admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk. 

Gunton Estate Community Hall

Read more on Gunton Estate Residents' Hall Management Committee

Bulky Waste

14 March 2023

Are you struggling to dispose of bulky waste?

Are cost and transportation a barrier to correctly disposing of your bulky waste?

Lowestoft Town Council will soon begin a trial of a scheme to help households in Lowestoft who are on low or no income by offering a free to access collection and disposal of bulky waste items such as sofas, fridges, wardrobes and play equipment. Full details will follow.

The scheme is part of the Town Council’s aim to decrease fly-tipping and restore pride in the town. We are already working with volunteers who give their time to pick litter in our parks and open spaces as well as employing environmental support officers who complement this work. Would you like to be involved in improving the environment as well? If so, simple steps such as ensuring you take your litter home and dispose of this correctly can make a huge difference or if you have time to spare contact us about opportunities for volunteering in our parks and open spaces.

Reduce reuse recycle

Read more on Bulky Waste