The Council also has a legal duty to display statutory notices regarding meetings, elections, audits, and financial matters as well as details of events in our parks and information about the local area. As such we have noticeboards in the following locations where information is displayed for our electorate:
Gainsborough Drive |
Gunton Residents Meeting Hall |
Kensington Gardens |
Links Road |
Normanston Park |
Rosedale Park |
Sparrow's Nest (Yarmouth Road Entrance) |
Sparrow's Nest (Whapload Road Entrance) |
Triangle Market |
Whitton Green |
If you would like to display information on these noticeboards, when spaces permits, it is possible based on the following criteria:
No material is to be displayed without adherence to the above criteria and any unauthorized notices or flyposting will be immediately removed. The Town Council reserves the right to not display any notices it considers inappropriate and cannot take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information it is asked to display by third parties.