Home > About the Council > Grants


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Lowestoft Town Council can award grant money to organisations for the benefit of Lowestoft. Grant applications are considered by the Finance and Governance Committee every three months (at the meetings in March, June, September and December). The Committee reserves the right to consider urgent or time sensitive applications in the interim. If you feel that your application requires consideration outside of the regular three-monthly cycle please ensure this is clearly indicated on your application form.

All grant applicants should read our Grant Award Policy and then complete the separate Grant Application Form.  Can you please also send us the following with your grant application:

  • Your constitution
  • Your business plan
  • Your financial accounts
  • Your equality policy and whistleblowing policy
  • Your safeguarding policy
  • The length of time your business has been established
  • The minutes of your last meeting
  • Any DBS checks that are needed
  • A cost breakdown of the amount requested for the project
  • If you have been awarded a grant from us in the past, a report on that project and the reason another grant is needed

If you are awarded a grant we welcome a report on how the project went after it has been completed.

If you would rather the application form was sent to you or have any questions about grants please email admin@lowestofttowncouncil.gov.uk.

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