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Elise Youngman

Elise YoungmanI was born in Norwich and moved to Lowestoft in 2003 and I would not want to live anywhere else. I live in St Margaret's East with my 3 children who attend local schools. I am currently working as a cleaner at the 6th form college and also a full time mum. When I get spare time I like to be in my garden and also love to help out friends and family.

I love the town that I am bringing my children up in and wouldn't change it for the world.  Lowestoft deserves a clear vision for the future and the public should be consulted at every step of the way to ensure that this town is improved for the benefit of the whole community. In the last two years I have worked on many projects with my fellow councillors but I have to  say my favourite projects are the play parks and seeing children enjoying them. In the next 4 years I am hoping to continue my work on our parks to ensure they are enjoyed by all.