Suffolk County Council has been successful in securing European Social Funding to deliver a 3-year project titled Work Well Suffolk, with an aim to help more than 2,000 people into employment by tackling barriers that they may face. This project will provide a locally integrated coaching and employment service that tackles the deep-seated barriers to work for all who need it. Operating with strategic partners, including Steadfast Training and MENTA, dedicated Work Well Suffolk Employment Services will seek out, create and support employment and self-employment, volunteering and mentoring opportunities for individuals across the county.
The project will be managed by Suffolk County Council, delivered across the following areas of Suffolk: Ipswich, West Suffolk, Babergh and Mid Suffolk, East Suffolk and Waveney. Helping anyone who is over 18-years-old and eligible to work in the UK.
Steadfast will support participants to prepare them for their entry (or re-entry) to employment by equipping them with the skills to get them work ready. This will include employability and personal development workshops that cover CV and letter writing, guided and independent job search, interview skills practice and much more.
MENTA who deliver Work Well Suffolk’s self-employment service can work with any participants interested in finding out more about starting a business and being their own boss. Helping participants for free to understand how to write a business plan, how to market a business and understand how business finances work.
The Realise Futures Coaching Service are offering personalised support to you in life and work, one to one health, wellbeing, employability and skills support. Helping those who are 18+ years old, are unemployed or unable to work, or have a long-term health condition and/or are autistic or have learning difficulties.
To refer into Work Well Suffolk please use the website or email for further information.