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Have your say: Bus Usage in Lowestoft

30 August 2024

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Transport Survey Lowestoft Town Council is seeking your views on the bus network in the town and surrounding area. In 2019 the Council declared a climate emergency and is committed to reducing its environmental footprint, including supporting alternatives to car use such as walking, cycling and public transport.

We are working with our partners to campaign for better bus services in and around Lowestoft and need to understand why residents use and more importantly, do not use the bus.

The questionnaire can be completed online or by filling in a survey flyer available from Lowestoft Library or Lowestoft Central Project Station Shop & Tourist Information Office (Lowestoft Railway Station).

Please complete this short questionnaire to help us work with Suffolk County Council and other transport partners to promote the need for greater investment in, and integration of public transport services.

The deadline for the survey is Tuesday 17th September.